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Troy's Bio -
Troy M. Gourley was born in Calmer, Iowa on February 6, 1974. In 1979, he moved to Maryland with his family. Troy took up trumpet lessons in the fall of 1981. However, the trumpet did not go over very well. In the fall of 1982, he started taking saxophone lessons. Troy continued to go through the school's music programs in middle school and high school. Troy was a baritone sax player in middle school in concert band and saxophone quartet. In high school, Troy was a member of a decorated high school marching band, concert band, and jazz band. Mr. Gourley was also able to tour with Dutch Boy Drum and Bugle Corps in 1990. Troy traveled to Kitchner, Ontario to prepare for the Summer Music Games. In 1992, Troy marched with the Westshoremen from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Troy attended West Virginia Wesleyan College as a Music Major. At Wesleyan, he learned about what it takes to be a professional musician. He studied saxophone under well-known saxophonist Don Hamilton. "West Virginia Wesleyan College Music Department has a deep department of excellent professors," said Troy. Troy graduated from Wesleyan in 1997.

Troy attended the School of Music in Norfolk, Virginia as a United States Marine. However, Troy went on to be account analyst and put his music career on hold. Troy has gotten his focus back into music while working in Kansas City, Missouri.

Troy has played with:

Dutch Boy
Cadets of Bergan County
Star of Indiana
Canadian Brass

Places Performed:

University of Maryland
University of Pennsylvania
University of Indiana State
Georgia Tech University
West Virginia University
Disney World
Peach Bowl
Rich Stadium

Just to name a few

All material must have Troy M. Gourley's written permission to be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means electronic, photocopyied, recorded or otherwise. If you would like to contact Troy, you can email him at tmg@music.com